
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


manned submersible; marine resources; deep-sea scientific research; marine resource development

Document Type

S & T and Society


The successful development and good application of the deep-sea manned submersible Fendouzhe (Striver in English) has significantly improved China's R&D capabilities of technical equipment and the level of independent innovation in manned deep diving, and also made outstanding contributions to accelerating the construction of a maritime power. The 21st century is the "Century of the Ocean", and the rich resources in the ocean is a precious wealth that supports the sustainable development of mankind. The development and utilization of marine resources has become an inevitable trend in the development of all countries. However, the scientific expedition equipment needs to be more specialized for developing deep sea resources. To this end, this article reviews the development of manned submersibles in various countries around the world, summarizes the working performance and key technology development of current manned submersibles in the world, and also analyzes the current development status of our country's manned submersibles and their core technologies. It then puts forward suggestions for future development, hoping to provide insights into accelerating the building of a world marine science and technology powerful nation.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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22 武立军, 胡鉴航, 王旭, 等. 深海安全问题的认识思考. 现代防御技术, 2021, 49(1):27-31.

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