
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


protection of black land; food security; ecological security; scientific and technological innovation; countermeasures

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


The protection and reasonable utilization of black land and developing a powerful nation in the grain industry are the cornerstone for safeguarding the national security. This study focuses on the main agricultural sources including soil, water, seed, fertilizer, farm chemicals, etc., and analyzes the key problems in grain production, ecological security, and sustainable development in black land in Northeast China. This study proposes to strengthen the research and development of technology and the relevant equipment for the protection of black land and increasing crop yield; to develop the reduction of soil obstacle factors and stress-tolerant plants planting modes; to build a long-term mechanism for black land protection and to comprehensively promote the intensive land management and mechanized production; to fasten the transition of traditional agriculture to precision and smart agriculture and to construct a coordinated and safe development mode for multiple ecosystems. The Chinese Academy of Sciences should give full play to its institutional and multidisciplinary advantages, and build a close union with local government, enterprise and farmers, thereby tackling the key problems and promoting the popularization of core technologies in the protective utilization of black land and soil health management.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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