
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


marine carbon sink, trading mechanism, development mode, ecology

Document Type

Technical Roadmap and Strategic Thinking of Ocean Negative Emissions Aiming Carbon Neutrality


Marine carbon sink is one of the important methods to solve the problem of carbon emission in China. Under the dual constraints of economic development demand and ecological capacity, more policy means need to be explored to achieve carbon emission peak and carbon neutrality in China. There is great potential for the construction of marine carbon sink in China. Hence it is of great significance to build an integrated carbon sink system by combining marine carbon sink with land carbon sink. In the path to achieve marine carbon sequestration increase based on marine ecological improvement, marine breeding, coastal wetland protection and pollution emission will provide the possibility for the increase of marine carbon sequestration. On the basis of the original carbon trading market, through the design of reasonable carbon trading rules, we can guide more resources into the field of marine carbon sink construction by means of market, and achieve the goal of enhancing China's carbon strength.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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