
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


mariculture, negative emission, seaweed, bivalve, microbial carbon pump

Document Type

Technical Roadmap and Strategic Thinking of Ocean Negative Emissions Aiming Carbon Neutrality


Reducing CO2 emissions and increasing carbon sinks are basic approaches to achieve carbon neutralization in China. China is the largest mariculture country in the world. China's mariculture industry is dominated by non-fed culture type and characterized by rich species, diverse nutrition levels, and advanced farming technology. Therefore, mariculture has huge potential for the development of ocean negative carbon emissions (ONCE). However, the ONCE process of bivalves and seaweed farming is complicated, and the scientific principles, process, mechanisms, monitoring and evaluating methods, and approaches of increasing carbon sink are gradually being recognized and yet to be resolved. This study discusses the research progress of fishery carbon sink, existing problems and possible impact of global climate change on ONCE of mariculture. It then proposes technological approachs and policy suggestions to implement ONCE, which include expanding mariculture space and increaseing unit yield, green development of mariculture based on carrying capacity regulatory regime, integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, blue carbon engineering of ocean ranching, and marine artificial upwelling.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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