
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


the Belt and Road, green development, ecologic problems, hazards risks, risk response plan

Document Type

Challenge and Countermeasure for Promoting Green Belt and Road


The Belt and Road region crosses different geographic areas and ecological zones. Ecologic problems and hazards risks are complicated in these zones and they threat seriously the green development and economic corridors security along the Belt and Road region. Based on multiple data sources platform installation and experiment-demonstration researches and observations, the regional ecologic-environmental regulations of the Belt and Road region are well and scientifically recognized, key areas/zones and the ecologic-environmental security and risk response programmes of major projects are systematically integrated. The findings of the key advanced research project on the environment change and construction of the Green Silk Road of the Pan-Third Pole provide scientific and technical supports to the further promotion of the Green Belt and Road development, and they also serve the world successful cases for global environmental governance.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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