
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Chinese Academy of Sciences, innovative culture, connotation elements, practical development, future prospects

Document Type

S & T and Society


This study introduces the origin, connotation, function, and significance of innovation culture, identifies four basic elements of innovative culture, including value concept, thinking mode, behavior standard, and institutional system. On this basis, this study systematically reviews the four innovative cultural developments of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Meanwhile, this study points out that the spirits of saving, serving, and strengthening the country through science are the value concepts of CAS. Striving to be the practitioner and inheritor into the spirit of “two bombs and one satellite” is the thinking modes of CAS. Innovating technology, cultivating talents, serving the country, and benefiting the people are the principles of conduct of CAS. Continuous innovation of the scientific and technological system is the institutional advantage of CAS. Finally, this study also looks forward into the future innovative culture construction of CAS.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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