
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


vision, scenario, social development trend, human-based vision, technology group

Document Type

S & T and Society


In the next 10 to 15 years, scientific and technological progress will change the industrial structure and global economic growth, and will profoundly change people’s needs for food, clothing, housing, transportation and their forms of the needs to meet. Based on the foresight analysis data of economic, social, and technological development from major countries and international organizations or big enterprises, with the method of information and knowledge element analysis, this study describes humanbased vision from the following five aspects, life, work, health, information, and safety. For each aspect, we put forward some social development trends, visions, specific scenarios, and key future technology groups. All of these provide references for drawing up China's future development vision and technological innovation demands.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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