
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC); international collaboration; basic research; scientific research fund

Document Type

Operation System and Management of National Natural Science Foundation of China in New Era


As an important channel for China to support international cooperation in basic research, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) should play a leading role in the international scientific and technological cooperation in the new era. This paper reviews the layout characteristics, achievements, and the new measures of the international cooperation projects of NSFC in the past decade, and summarizes the experiences of typical countries. It is found that the international cooperation in NSFC has formed a project layout with cooperative research, personnel exchange, and talent cultivation projects, providing important support for China's engagement in global scientific and technological governance and integration into the global innovation network. In the complex and changeable international situation, NSFC has been actively and steadily expanding the international cooperation network of science and technology, systematically deepening the international cooperation, continuously optimizing the funding mode of foreign scholars, and is establishing a support framework for foreign scholars at different levels. In the new era, NSFC is facing new needs, to adapt to the trend of globalization and to engage in the construction of global innovation network, to open up new ways of international scientific and technological cooperation and to adapt to the new paradigm of scientific research, and to meet new global challenges and actively engage in the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, being endowed with the mission of planning and promoting the development of basic research in China from a global perspective so as to actively integrate into the global innovation network. At present, the international cooperation strategy in NSFC has not played enough role in China, and the layout level of international cooperation funding needs to be improved. Measures to serve the "Belt and Road Initiative" need to be improved, and the support for international scientific and technological talents needs to be improved. The review mechanism and support platform do not meet the needs of strategic international cooperation project management. In the new era, NSFC should take scientific value creation as the starting point and foothold, guide and support Chinese scientists to actively engage in the research on major issues related to human sustainable development, and expand and deepen multilateral cooperation. This study puts forward the policy suggestions that the development and management of international cooperation in NSFC should be systematically optimized and promoted, the toplevel design and capacity-building should be strengthened, the distribution of major tasks and platform funding should be upgraded, international cooperation channels should be expanded, and the international cooperation strategy should be refined.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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