
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


organized basic research; strategic layout; strategic; capacity in science and technology; implementation mechanism

Document Type

Organized Basic Research


Focusing on "organized basic research", this study reviews the main experience of major countries in promoting "organized basic research" from three aspects, namely, driving scientific and technological innovation, coordinating the strategic layout, and clarifying the division of strategic capacity in science and technology. Then, from the two perspectives, i.e., task layout of five types of "organized basic research", and main orientation of strategic capacity in science and technology of three types of institution, the study analyzes the promotion ideas of "organized basic research" in China in the new era. Finally, the study puts forward the ways to improve implementation mechanism of "organized basic research" in China from four aspects, namely, scientific problem selection mechanism, resource allocation mechanism, organizational model, and management mode.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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