
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


water resources; transformation; integrated management; situation judgment; suggestion

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


Water resources management is essential for a region or a country to maintain and improve the natural environment and ecosystem, promote the sustainable development of the economy and society. Under the new situation, China's water problem has systematic, structural, and watershed characteristics. The types of people's water-related demand are more diversified and its levels are gradually elevated. However, the existing water resources management mode is not effective enough, and the contradiction between people demand and water resources has begun to transform. China's water resources management was analyzed. A series of issues are as follows:unbalanced relationship between the development of water resources and the protection of other ecological elements, imperfect ecological civilization policy system in the field of water resources, weak collaborative governance of watershed resources, and insufficient ability to prevent water-related ecological and environmental risks. This study believes that water resources integration management should be promoted, and a water resources integration management framework is proposed. The characteristics of water resources integration management are summarized as multi-problem, multi-demand, multi-function, multi-resource, multi-space, multiagent, multi-method integration, and multi-system. On this basis, suggestions are put forward from the perspective of protection and development, policy system, watershed/transregional management, and risk prevention.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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