
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


digitization; digital world; ethical order; construct

Document Type

Governance Strategy on Science and Technology Ethics


With the digital transformation and the construction of digital China, a digital world parallel to the real world is being born. Historically, numbers have shaped our perception of the world and human beings. Digital transformation will further expand human cognitive space and means, release productivity, and change the way people think and behave. However, the virtuality and "outof domain" characteristics of people and things in the digital world have caused ethical problems in the digital world. Therefore, it is urgent to construct and improve the ethical order of the digital world. The article summarizes the existing three paths of scientific and technological ethics involved in the digitalization process:the criticism of "Dataism", the embedding of ethics into algorithms and moral materialization, and the responsible innovation through legal and policy regulation. It proposes to shape the ethical order of the digital world. The ability of people to participate in digital transformation and governance in the digital age must be improved. It is recommended to improve the digital capabilities of the public in the digital age just like spending great efforts to build digital infrastructure.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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