
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


the Belt and Road; land-sea trade channel; coupling coordination evaluation

Document Type

S&T Boosts the Belt and Road Initiative


The Belt and Road is a road of land-sea linkage. Trade channels are the key to land-sea linkages, and it is of great practical significance to study the coupling and coordination of them. Taking the nine provinces and cities along the Belt and Road in China from 2007 to 2018 as samples, this work empirically studies the coupling and coordination of land-sea trade channels, and evaluates and analyzes their development level, development speed, and regional differences. Research shows that:the land and sea areas of most provinces and cities are unevenly affected by the Belt and Road Initiative, and there are obvious regional differences. The reasons for these differences mainly include development space foundation, government positioning, innovation intensity and effectiveness, and so on. Based on this, the study puts forward suggestions including optimizing the development pattern of the channel, constructing the "software" and "hardware" of the channel simultaneously, and building the frontier and linkage foundation of the Belt and Road development with ports as the core.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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