
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


black soil protection, rural revitalization, achievement routes, policy suggestions

Document Type

Science and Technology Boosting Black Soil Granary Construction - Science and Technology Implementation


Promoting black soil protection and sustainability is the essential and guarantee of rural revitalization in Northeast China, and rural vitalization is the fundamental way to realize the persistent protection of black soil. Only by coordinating and promoting the overall black soil protection and rural revitalization, can we find the solution to solve the contradiction between black soil protection and the rural economic development in Northeast China black soil region, hence to push in full gear the ecological construction and rural revitalization of the region. Meanwhile, the overall black soil protection should promote the rural revitalization and rural revitalization should facilitate the sustainable utilization of the black soil. This paper summarizes the main correlation between black soil protection and rural vitalization in Northeast China, expounds on the internal logic and main main routes to overall promote black soil protection and rural revitalization. Based on the theoretical analysis, the paper puts forward several relevant policy suggestions for the national black protection program.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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