
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


black land, emulator, the fifth paradigm, intelligent OODA loop

Document Type

Science and Technology Boosting Black Soil Granary Construction - Science and Technology Implementation


Information technology is deeply penetrating into all walks of life. Through the acquisition of massive data, modeling and analysis in the information space, it has become an effective means to solve practical problems in the information society. At present, China is vigorously implementing black soil conservation projects. Aiming at the complex system protection engineering, it is necessary to rely on the strength of information technology to carry out problem modeling and algorithm solving in the process of black soil utilization and protection, and find the best protection way through simulation and emulation. Based on the analysis of the black land protection measures worldwide, the study puts forward the design idea of agricultural simulator based on the fifth paradigm from the perspective of intelligent technology, gives the organizational structure of the total factor agricultural simulator, and realizes the rapid operation and iteration of data flow through the intelligent OODA (observe, orient, decide, act) loop to continuously optimize the black soil protection technology. Finally, the study proposes the idea and framework of building agricultural simulator in the black land protection demonstration area, as well as the policy suggestions for the application and promotion of agricultural simulator in the process of black land protection.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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