
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


welfare service, gap problem, co-production, Japan

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


In recent years, when faced with the gap problem of welfare services, Japanese society has gradually realized that relying only on traditional problem-solving strategies could not meet all the needs of social life problems. Many practical innovations with "co-production" as the core were formed. Therefore, this study analyzes the causes of the gap problem in welfare services, clarifies the specific principle of "co-production" in problem solving, and on this basis refines it into a new strategy as "co-production model". By observing the functional mechanism of this new strategy in Japan's welfare service practice, this study holds that for the future welfare system construction in China, we should further stimulate the vitality of the non-public sectors and create a more participation-friendly environment; and in personnel training, we should strengthen the innovative consciousness of all kinds of professionals and encourage all kinds of organizations to carry out the innovative practice of welfare services.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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