
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


black soil conservation and utilization, scientific and technological innovation, demonstration and extension, cooperation between academy and provinces

Document Type

Science and Technology Boosting Black Soil Granary Construction - Strategic Planning


The region of black soil in Northeast China is the "ballast stone" of national food security. However, the degradation of black soil leads to a decline of soil fertility and ecological service function, which threatens the national food security and regional ecological security. With advance design and scientific demonstration, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) together with provinces of Northeast China launched the "Science and Technology (Sci-Tech) Battle of Black Soil Granary" by gathering outstanding scientists, high technology and equipment. At present, the CAS is planning to initiate the Strategic Priority Research Program called "Black Soil Granary", establish the State Key Laboratory of Black Soil Conservation and Utilization, and construct specialized research teams of black soil conservation and reasonable utilization. Through these measures, we aim to invigorate the Sci-Tech innovation, ensure the sustainable use of black soil, and make a strategic Sci-Tech contribution to the national food security.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


1 农业农村部, 国家发展和改革委员委, 财政部, 等. 关于印发《东北黑土地保护规划纲要(2017-2030年)》 的通知. (2017-07-20). http://www.moa.gov.cn/nybgb/2017/dqq/201801/t20180103_6133926.htm.

2 农业农村部, 财政部. 关于印发《东北黑土地保护性耕作行动计划(2020-2025年)》的通知. (2020-02-25). http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/zhengceku/2020-03/18/content_5492795.htm.

3 农业农村部, 国家发展和改革委员委, 财政部, 等. 七部门联合印发《国家黑土地保护工程实施方案(2021-2025 年)》. (2021-06-30). http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2021-07/30/content_5628527.htm.

4 侯建国. 把科技自立自强作为国家发展的战略支撑. 求是, 2021, (6):27-32.

5 中国科学院. 中科院发布国内首部东北黑土地白皮书. (2021-07-09)[2021-07-22]. https://www.cas.cn/zt/kjzt/htlc/yw/202107/t20210709_4797892.shtml.
