
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Chinese characteristics, new think tanks, modernization drive, target path, influence evaluation

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


Under the great changes that have not happened in a century, Chinese think tanks should not only actively answer the propositions put forward by the times, actively promote the modernization process of national governance, but also clarify the goal and path of their own modernization. Modern think tanks are the ideological approach of national governance, the ideological guide, theoretical power, and important promoter. The modernization of national governance is the fundamental guarantee for the development of think tanks and creates a good ecological environment for the development of modern think tanks. Based on the evaluation of think tank influence, this study analyzes the trend and problems of the construction of new think tanks with Chinese characteristics, and clarifies the target direction and main path of the modernization of think tanks in China. In the context of the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity, the key to examine the bottlenecks and weaknesses in the modernization of think tanks is to promote Chinese think tanks to better embed them into the national governance system, effectively highlight the backbone of decision-making consultation system, accelerate reform and innovation, optimize internal governance, strive to improve the quality of research and promote the realization of their social functions.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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