
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


high level; biosafety laboratory; planning; biosafety; national security; challenge

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The new coronavirus pandemic not only brings a great test to the global health security system, but also brings new challenges to the global governance structure and pattern. At the same time, it also exposes the deficiencies in the strengthening of public health emergency system and biosafety system in China. Biosafety is an important part of national security and has become the new frontier of national security. Among them, high-level biological laboratories are the core platform to carry out scientific research on biosafety and reflect national security capability. Therefore, China needs to further implement the construction system planning of high-level biosafety laboratories, form a national system of high-level biosafety laboratories with reasonable layout, clear positioning, full functions, division and cooperation and network operation, and build a national biosafety cooperation center integrating clinical, production and scientific research activities, and finally improve the national security capacity.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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