
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


sudden major infectious disease; traditional Chinese medicine (TCM); emergency prevention and control system; strategic thinking; COVID-19; Wuchang pattern

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COVID-19 epidemic is still raging globally, while China has not only controlled the spread of the epidemic in time, but domestic production and life have gradually recovered. China's epidemic prevention and control work achieved strategic results, and the full participation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has become the highlight of the works. However, confronting of sudden major infectious diseases, the emergency reserves and emergency capabilities of TCM are insufficient, especially in the rapid emergency response mechanism, emergency treatment system, professional personnel training, emergency scientific research system and platform construction, and emergency strategic resource reserve. Strengthening the construction of the TCM emergency prevention and control system for major infectious diseases can not only improve the emergency prevention and control capabilities of major public health emergencies in China, but also an inevitable demand to protect the people's personal safety and health. Here we referred to the practice of TCM fighting against COVID-19, analyzed the problems to be solved or improved, consequently suggested on how to strengthen the national emergency prevention and control system of major infectious diseases.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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