
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


clean heating; district heating; technical analysis; scientific evaluation

Document Type



In recent years, haze weather has frequently occurred in Northern China, especially in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Burning fossil fuels in winter, in the short term, is still a major method to get warm in Northern China because of the influences of economic cost and heating mode. Promoting clean heating is an important strategic decision of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. This article reviewed the development course of district heating in the first place. After that, the relevant policies of heating in the last ten years were briefly introduced. Moreover, the technical advantages and disadvantages of various clean heating, such as clean coal heating, natural gas heating, electric power heating, geothermal heating, biomass energy heating, solar energy heating, waste heat energy heating, nuclear energy heating, and so on, were analyzed in detail. Finally, the key common issues of clean heating were discussed and the solutions were proposed. In order to promote the sustainable development of clean heating in Northern China, it is necessary to focus on three aspects in the future. First, a scientific evaluation system of clean heating should be established. Major performance parameters including energy efficiency, economic index, and environmental impact index should be investigated in terms of the system's whole life cycle. Second, the energy-saving renovation of heating network should be sequentially promoted. It is suggested that systematic evaluation of the original heating system should be established before any modification. Finally, mechanism of long-term mutual win needs to be explored. Top-level design and coordination from the central government and regional support from the local government should be strengthened.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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