
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


key technology; technological innovation systematization; technology systemization; organization systemization

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Facing the dynamic international situation and challenges in public emergency, many strategic high-tech fields in China are in desperate need of filling shortcomings, strengthening the weaknesses, and blocking the loopholes. Realizing the complexity of the key scientific issues in the long-term "cut-throat competition" situation, a deeper understanding of the strategic inevitability of improving the systemization of scientific and technological innovation is in a tremendous need. Systematization of scientific and technological innovations presents requirements for outstanding integrity, structure, and organic relevance, which requires continuous advancement and interaction of technology systemization and organization systemization. When focusing on key technologies weaknesses, the technological institutionalization capability should be improved by constructing a systematic and scientific strategy which combines the method of building up longboards and overcoming the shortcomings. Furthermore, the organizational systematic ability should also be strengthened by reinforcing the comprehensive connection between knowledge breakthroughs and business concern. Meanwhile, a complete set of supporting and service system will significantly enhance the efficiency, vitality and resilience of the scientific and technological innovation system. Building a new national system of scientific and technological innovation systems of key technologies with Chinese characteristics will fundamentally strengthen the systematic strategic planning, implement the advantages of the high-tech system, and effectively fill the shortcomings, and strengthen the weaknesses.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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