
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


biological industry; development status; policy suggestions; China

Document Type



Entering the era of bio-economy, countries around the world have stepped up their efforts to develop the bio-industry. This study aims to explore the issues in the development of China's bio-industry by analyzing the status quo of the development of China's bio-industry, and to provide policy suggestions for the development of China's bio-economy. The research results show that the remarkable achievements have been accomplished in the development of China's biological industry. Nevertheless, there are still problems such as weak international competitiveness, uncoordinated regional development, and poor operating conditions of some enterprises. In view of the above problems, the countermeasures for the development of bio-industry in China are put forward from three perspectives: focusing on the coordinated development of the bio-industry area, improving the construction of the bio-industry capital market, and improving the international competitiveness of the bio-industry, which are expected to guide the development of China's bio-industry as well as bio-economy.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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