
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


space science; Strategic Priority Program on Space Science; space science satellite; international cooperation; principal investigator

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International cooperation is an objective need for space science development, and also a necessary path for China to approach the stage center of the world space science. The scientific mission series under China's Strategic Priority Program on Space Science (SPP) involve comprehensive, extensive, all-round, and multi-level international cooperation in the whole life cycle of mission innovation chain. International cooperation partners include ESA and major European space countries, as well as the United States, Russia, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore, etc. To ensure the originality and significance of the scientific objectives of the SPP missions, a swath of measures have been applied, including establishing bilateral meeting mechanism, co-establishing international research institutions, promoting international exchanges and cooperation, deepening the mission international study, and optimizing the advanced detection payloads configuration. To facilitate the output of high impact scientific achievements, the engineering management and science management of the cooperative missions are strengthened by implementing the mechanism of Co-Principal Investigators both at the mission level and the payload level. This paper reviews the international cooperation activities and management practice of the Chinese space science missions, and offers some suggestions for the future work, in a bid to provide reference for the follow-up management of international cooperation missions.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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