
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


informatization; new smart city; urban development; epidemic of COVID-19

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The sudden epidemic of the COVID-19 is a severe test for the city's emergency response capabilities, and the application of informatization has played a vital role in the epidemic prevention control and the guarantee of work resumption. Although the epidemic of the COVID-19 has severely affected the urban life and production, with the support of informatization technology, urban development has acquired a new paradigm shift. The new smart city has promoted the emergence of new business forms, stimulated the vitality of the city, and then turned the new smart city model to one of the effective measures to deal with the epidemic of the COVID-19. The construction of the new smart city model has become the response to the epidemic, which also shows that it is the focus of urban development in the future. The fourth industrial revolution led by emerging technologies endowed the informatization with the characteristics of the times for cities, and made it the standard configuration of national modernization and international competitiveness. In the future, more attention in cities is better to be paid to the balance between daily management and crisis response, to the integration between the connotation of new smart cities with resilient cities and sustainable developments, and to the improvement of the scientific, refined, and intelligent level of cities; furthermore, truly improve the life quality in cities.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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