
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


high quality development; ecological protection; strategic path; the Yellow River Basin

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This paper summarizes the characteristics of natural ecological conditions, the current situation of economic and social development, existing problems and development opportunities of the Yellow River Basin. The overall framework of the national strategy for ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin has been set up according to the three logical progressive links of basement-ecological priority, bearing capacity-development constraint, driving force-internal and external relevancy. It has formed the academic thinking of delimiting ecological, agricultural and urban functional areas through the evaluation of the suitability of human activities for land and space development, evaluating and calculating the resource and environment carrying capacity of the three functional areas, and then formulating high-quality development strategies for different functional areas according to the carrying capacity. The ecological restoration and protection strategies such as ecological migration urbanization construction project, agricultural planting structure adjustment, dry farming basic farmland construction, classification and batch solution to the historical problems of mined out areas of energy and mineral resources are put forward. The proposed high-quality development measures mainly include expanding the scale of renewable energy development, such as solar energy, wind energy and hydropower, developing characteristic bio-medicine and healthy food industries, developing new strategic industries such as electromechanical, electronic information and artificial intelligence with the help of "three lines" state-owned enterprises' innovation potential, innovating the mechanism of industrialization transformation of scientific and technological achievements and the system of value distribution of resource advantages, improving the modern management system such as spatial fine governance, regional differential development, and opening up.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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