
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


productive force distribution; innovative regional economic complex; regional economic pattern

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Major productive force distribution is a strategic deployment related to the medium and long-term regional development pattern of China in the next 15-20 years. Unfortunately, after reform and opening up, its importance as an organic component of China's institutional advantages has been ignored for a long time. The study reexamines main theories of productive force distribution and rethinks their applicability in the market economy. Moreover, the historical changes of China's productive force distribution have also been reviewed. China's productive force distribution has experienced a development process from equilibrium, decentralization, and concentration to coordination. Finally, facing new situations and major issues, a strategic plan has been conducted. Major productive force should be guided by the guarantee of national strategic security and support an independent, complete and competitive modern industrial system. Major productive force should form an overall pattern dominated by "strategic development zone + special types of zone", based on innovative regional economic complex, in national scale. Build an open major productivity layout system with multi-agent participation, continuously strengthen the eastern coastal strategic competitiveness, the western border strategic opening capacity, and the central and western strategic security capabilities, and support China's regional economic layout and the second centennial goal of achieving complementary advantages and high-quality development.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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