
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


man-land-network relationship; cyberspace map; cyberspace; geographical space; visualization

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Cyber security is the basis of national security in the information age, and the visualization of cyberspace is of vital importance for comprehensive prevention and control of cyber security. Based on the theory of "man-land-network" nexus, this study proposed the connotation and technical path of cyberspace visualization and described the visualization of the cyberspace elements, cyberspace relations, and cyberspace security events. Based on the cyberspace geography, the exploration and application of cyberspace visualization technology is an important content of constructing the mapping relations between cyberspace and real world as well as drawing a cyberspace map, which will provide a significant support for the realization of the cyberspace map in the comprehensive prevention and control of cyber security.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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