
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


relative poverty areas; sustainable livelihoods; high-quality development; comprehensive benefits; regional coordination

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Poverty is a major challenge faced by human development, especially the global problem that has plagued developing countries, including China, for a long time. As rural absolute poverty population and poverty-stricken counties will achieve poverty alleviation in 2020, China's anti-poverty focus in the new era will begin to shift from targeted poverty alleviation in absolute poverty areas to high-quality development through comprehensive measures in relative poverty areas. Based on an initially constructed conceptual model of high-quality development in relative poverty areas, this article analyzed the internal and external constraints from the sustainability of individual and regional scales, and further proposed comprehensive policies to ensure that poverty would not be returned after 2020 and high-quality development would be achieved. It is necessary to guide the rational flow of population and development factors, reshape the appearance of urban and rural interaction and equivalent development, further promote the value of resources and ecological advantages, and focus on key poverty areas such as the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Taking the "14th Five-Year Plan" period as the transition period, formulate flexible and accurate identification standards for relative poverty population and areas, focus on the integration of various poverty alleviation policy tools and resources, and form a centralized, distributed, and mobile highquality infrastructure and public service guarantee system.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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