
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


14th Five-Year Plan; high-quality development; space governance; economic layout; territory; region

Document Type



During the period of 14th Five-Year Plan, modernization of space governance and optimization of regional economic layout are the important parts of planning and development. Since the reform and opening up, China's regional economic layout has adopted the guiding ideology of "some regions get rich first", which has rapidly driven the overall improvement of national strength, but the development gap between regions has continued to widen. The open economy and the non-state-owned economy are developing rapidly, but there are shortcomings in the security and advancement of the economic system, and the reform of the state-owned economy is still insufficient. China's space governance has made remarkable progress, but in terms of legalization and scientization, learningoriented government and democratic governance, and systematic governance, there is a big gap with modernization requirements. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the key points of space governance modernization include:improving the space governance model in which the government, the market, the social organizations, and the public participate together; improving a regional policy system that puts equal emphasis on fairness and benefits, government regulation, and market optimization allocation, issues and goals, and constraints and incentives; and developing a new mechanism for regional coordination that meets the requirements of highquality development. The major measures of the regional economic layout are continuously enhancing the energy levels of urban agglomerations, metropolitan areas and regional central cities, and practicing the new model of achieving balanced and coordinated regional development in the process of population economic agglomeration. It should take the opportunity of restructuring China's relatively complete industrial system as an opportunity to create a new pattern in the distribution of major productive forces, and launch the great project of high-quality development in northwest China to cultivate the new driving force of development and prosperity in relatively poor areas.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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樊杰, 周侃, 陈东.环渤海-京津冀-首都(圈)空间格局的合理组织.中国科学院院刊, 2016, 31(1):70-79.

樊杰.我国国土空间开发保护格局优化配置理论创新与"十三五"规划的应对策略.中国科学院院刊, 2016, 31(1):1-12.

刘卫东.经济地理学与空间治理.地理学报, 2014, 69(8):1109-1116.

张兵, 林永新, 刘宛, 等. "城市开发边界"政策与国家的空间治理.城市规划学刊, 2014, (3):20-27.

樊杰.地域功能-结构的空间组织途径——对国土空间规划实施主体功能区战略的讨论.地理研究, 2019, 38(10):2373-2387.

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傅伯杰.地理学综合研究的途径与方法:格局与过程耦合.地理学报, 2014, 69(8):1052-1059.

夏军, 张永勇, 穆兴民, 等.中国生态水文学发展趋势与重点方向.地理学报, 2020, 75(3):445-457.

陈发虎, 傅伯杰, 夏军, 等.近70年来中国自然地理与生存环境基础研究的重要进展与展望.中国科学:地球科学, 2019, 49(11):1659-1696.

宋长青, 程昌秀, 杨晓帆, 等.理解地理"耦合"实现地理"集成".地理学报, 2020, 75(1):3-13.

刘彦随.中国新时代城乡融合与乡村振兴.地理学报, 2018, 73(4):637-650.

方创琳.中国新型城镇化高质量发展的规律性与重点方向.地理研究, 2019, 38(1):13-22.

张军扩, 侯永志, 刘培林, 等.高质量发展的目标要求和战略路径.管理世界, 2019, 35(7):1-7.

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