
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


emergency supplies reserve; novel coronavirus pneumonia; national governance system; modernization of governance capacity; public health emergency management

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The outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia exposed the shortcomings of China's public health emergency management system, and accelerated the reform of all related businesses. The reform of emergency supplies reserve is imminent. This work reviews the development process of China's main material reserve system, studies the international experience of material reserve system construction, analyzes the main problems existing in China's current emergency material reserve system, and defines the overall goal of reform: to establish and improve the laws and regulations system in the field of national emergency material reserve; to form a modern comprehensive leadership and management capacity of material reserve based on national conditions to adapt to major emergency events; to supplement and improve the new mechanism of material reserve facing new risks; to cultivate a first-class personnel team of material reserve and improve the supporting role of science and technology; to promote the application of new technologies in material reserve, and to speed up the digital transformation of material reserve field. Finally, we put forward some policy suggestions to speed up the reform process of the management system of emergency materials reserve.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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