
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


desert ecosystem; long-term field stations; scientific observation; research network; future development

Document Type



Desert Ecosystem Research Network in China now is consist of 26 national ecological stations, the network layout covers the eight major deserts, the four major sandy lands, the alpine region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the karst and other special environments, and undertakes the tasks of positioning observation, monitoring and evaluation, scientific research, demonstration services and base construction of desert ecosystems in China by more than 20 years' establishment. Relying on the network of ecological stations, large desert and Gobi comprehensive scientific investigations are organized to fill the final blank of desert scientific research in China; the Chinese scheme of comprehensive desertification control is explored, the classical models of the four typical regions are integrated, and industry and discipline standards are formulated. In the new era, the network of desert ecological stations should be based on the advantages of the industry, strengthen the network-connected cooperation, optimize the layout of the network, improve observation technology, expand the scale of research, face the major strategic needs of the country, serve regional social and economic development, answer social and scientific concerns, and provide all-round scientific and technological support for the achievement of the 2030 sustainable development goals.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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