
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


whole-chain science and technology innovation; Nobel prize; innovation cycle; SiC; case study

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The whole-chain science and technology innovation involve scientific research institutions, enterprises, governments, and even the whole society. The goal is to produce independent innovations in key and core technologies and to establish systems for technological standards, so as to promote industrial development. The ability and efficiency of the whole-chain science and technology innovation is an important criterion in measuring an innovative social ecology, with the innovation cycle being one of the important criteria for characterization. It shall be an important driving force for the whole-chain science and technology innovation if national research organizations can have a comprehensive layout in a specific field, covering basic research, applied basic research and even engineering. The second half of the whole-chain science and technology innovation is a process in which "innovative achievements" and "entrepreneurs" are jointly engaged in market promotions and evaluations. In order to further shorten the cycle, collaborations of certain scientists and entrepreneurs should be encouraged, the flow and coordination of various innovative resources in the market should be accelerated.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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