
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


new infrastructure; great modern power; system; structure

Document Type



From the perspective of human historical development process, this study analyzes the connotation evolution and system composition of infrastructure. Measured by the intergenerational leap in infrastructure, this study discusses the connotation and characteristics of new infrastructure in the era of knowledge and intelligent society. From the two dimensions of form and content, the study also puts forward that the new infrastructure system includes technology and digital infrastructure, infrastructure upgrading, infrastructure digitalization, national security, and governance infrastructure in the next 30 years. Based on the eight "economic and social foundation and strategic systems" and two basic systems of "scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation", this study discusses the composition and structure of ten types of new infrastructure system for a great modern power by 2050. Finally, combined with the current situation, the study puts forward some policy suggestions to promote the construction of new infrastructure system for a great modern power from the three aspects of strategic layout, investment plan, and project reserve.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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