
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


cultivated land protection; cultivated land resources security; cultivated land balance; countermeasures and suggestions; scientific and technological innovation

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The cultivated land balance policy, which is a remedial measure for the expansion of cultivated land occupied by industrialization and urbanization, is an important part of the cultivated land protection system in China. At present, the cultivated land balance is confronted with the dilemma of the exhaustion of cultivated land reserve resources, the high demand for cultivated land occupied by construction land and ecological land. The alienated behaviors of local government, such as supplementing cultivated land with insufficient quantity and poor quality, has threaten the national food security and ecological security. Under the background of cultivated land protection system transformation, it is necessary to deeply understand the long-term, extreme and complex nature of the contradiction between people and land in China. It is necessary to clarify the irreplaceable role of land balance policy in protecting land resources, optimizing land space, and promoting balanced development between urban and rural areas. We propose that the key solution is to use scientific and technological innovation to systematically recognize arable land and improve the technical support of management. We suggest that: (1) accelerate the formation of a new balance system with cultivated land quality and production capacity as the core; (2) using differential method to manage the balance of cultivated land; (3) research and develop regional engineering technology system of land ecological improvement; (4) improve the monitoring and supervision capacity of key elements of cultivated land resources. In conclusion, China should carry out national cultivated land resources security science and technology projects as soon as possible, that will comprehensively improve the scientific decision-making and intelligent management level of China's cultivated land protection supervision, and support the development of cultivated land protection in the comprehensive direction of quantity, quality, and ecology.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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刘彦随, 乔陆印.中国新型城镇化背景下耕地保护制度与政策创新.经济地理, 2014, 34(4):1-6.

陈美球, 刘桃菊.新时期提升我国耕地保护实效的思考.农业现代化研究, 2018, 39(1):1-8.

汤怀志, 桑玲玲, 郧文聚.土地科技创新的形势问题及对策.中国土地, 2018, (6):38-40.

郧文聚, 汤怀志.用科技力量破解耕地资源绿色高效利用难题.中国科学报, 2019-7-30(05).

贾文涛.强化监管, 为土地整治改革创新保驾护航.中国土地, 2017, (11):33-36.

周远波.全域土地综合整治若干问题思考.中国土地, 2020, (1):4-7.

陈正, 王建强, 王健.新形势下耕地占补平衡监管体系建设.中国土地, 2018, (2):39-41.

郧文聚.为什么落实耕地"三位一体"保护这么难.中国科学报, 2019-09-03(05).
