
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


technology sciences; innovation; supply side reform

Document Type



The concept of technology sciences was proposed by Mr. Tsien Hsue-shen. It occupies a middle position in the chain of basic science and engineering technology innovation and plays a bridging role. For a long time, the concept of technology sciences has been rarely mentioned in China's science and technology policy making process, which to a certain extent has led China's science and technology policy to either favor the basic research or the engineering and technology, which is not conducive to the output of major scientific and technological innovations. It can also lead to the occurrence of the "neck jam" phenomenon. In response to the above problems, the key role of technology sciences in the supply side of science and technology innovation is expounded through literature review and case study. In addition, we construct a whole chain model of science and technology innovation with basic science as its source and technology sciences as its core. This study puts forward countermeasures and suggestions from three perspectives: knowledge, talents, and policy. Through the supply side reform of science and technology innovation, the whole chain of science and technology innovation is accelerated to provide a strong source of driving force for innovation.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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