
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


economy; society; development trend; science and technology; innovation system; world; China

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The S&T development has shown an accelerated and superimposed development trend in the 21st century. As the coming of new round of technological changes and the industrial revolution, the world has entered a new era of development with the dominated features of innovation. The global innovation patterns of S&T fields and countries change sharply under the strong driving force of the new demand of global economy. Based on the brief summary of global economic and social development trends, this study discusses the economic and social development trends of China including China's total economic scale, population and aging, digital China and smart society, green ecological and safe agriculture, natural resources and energy, ecological environment, S&T and industry revolution and external competition challenges. The demand for S&T innovations are analyzed and discussed and nine main S&T innovation systems have been put forwarded that adapt to the general trend of economic and social development and support the construction of science and technology power, which including the science and technology innovation systems of basic scientific research, key core technologies, advanced information networks for the Digital China and the smart society, clean and renewable advanced energy, green and intelligent manufacturing, modern green ecological and sustainable and efficient agriculture, medical and health care of the Healthy China, ecology and environment of human-land harmonious coexistence of the Beautiful China, deep space and deep sea exploration, etc.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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