
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


COVID-19; production gaps; global production network; industrial chains outflow

Document Type



The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has severely impacted China's production and supply in the short term, and increased the risk of accelerated outward relocation of domestic industry chain. Based on the measuring of China's production and export supply gaps caused by COVID-19, and key position of China in global production network and the Asian production chain, this article analyzed the COVID-19 shock on the global production chains and the risk of accelerated China's industrial outflow. The results show that the output gaps caused by the COVID-19 will have a deep impact on the global production system, and multinational enterprises will speed up the relocation of production chains. Therefore, the increasing risk of industrial outflow should be concerned. Finally, suggestions are put forward to efforts in the COVID-19 control, coordination on economics, and the relocation of production chains.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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