
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


DIIS theory and methodology in think tanks; social risk control; pork supply and demand risk; African swine fever; emergency management

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This study adopts the DIIS theory and methodology in think tanks to investigate the status of China's swine industry and the rise of pork price. It collects accurate and reliable data, conducts statistics and analysis, and reveals the problems in the development of swine industry. The relevant departments are interviewed to investigate the risks caused by the imbalance between supply and demand. The results show that the decline of pork production and the rise of pork price in China have a great influence on the society, which is closely related to the low production efficiency of pig breeding in China, the epidemic of African swine fever, the great pressure of environmental protection, and the imperfect working system. In order to alleviate the price rise caused by the imbalance between supply and demand of pork in China, relevant departments should strengthen macroscopical control and guidance, improve the top-level design, and carry out work from the aspects of improving the level of biosafety protection, optimizing the distribution of local pig breeding, and adjusting the structure of food consumption.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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