
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA); international center of science and innovation; Hong Kong; 'One Country, Two Systems'

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It is important to clarify the role of Hong Kong (HK) and maximize its influence in the development of the international center of science and innovation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), because of the historical outstanding contribution of HK in China's reform and opening-up, and its unique advantages in science and innovation. There are four aspects of advantages of HK in the science and innovation field. (1) Its well-developed education system and a culture of freedom as essential foundations to foster creative talents; (2) many areas of basic research in HK are at the cutting edge of international competitiveness, whilst frequent interactions among cities in GBA foster industrialization and commercialization of the scientific achievements; (3) its world-renowned modern services, including law, finance, accounting, management, and others, provide critical support to innovations in corporations; (4) the global vision and robust international image of HK can help research centers and enterprises in Chinese Mainland in many ways. However, HK also experiences weaknesses in industrial development, and suffers from high start-up costs. It is important to cultivate strengths of HK to meet the specific requirements of innovation in GBA policy whilst ease the existing problems. Furthermore, a better use of the 'One Country, Two Systems' policy is critical to give full play to HK's advantages, strengthen the interaction between HK and cities in Chinese Mainland, and promote the flow of key innovation elements. The significance will exceed the development of international center of science and innovation in GBA, but also benefit the broader innovation-oriented development and the ongoing reforms in science and technology in China.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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