
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


digital transformation; digital economy; COVID-19

Document Type



In recent years, China has experienced a rapid development in digital economy, which enables the real economy to improve quality and efficiency, and has become a new driving force for economic growth. In the fight against COVID-19 in 2020, the new generation of information technologies is widely used in all aspects of the epidemic prevention and control, production and living materials supplies, and work resumption, contributing in accurate prevention and control and scientific decision-making. The fight work also provides new opportunities for the comprehensive digital transformation of China's economy and society in the long run. This study focuses on the opportunities for digital transformation in government, industry, enterprises, and society under the influence of the current epidemic, analyzes the problems and challenges of digital transformation in the epidemic. Finally, aiming to accelerate the comprehensive digital transformation of China's economy and society, we suggest a number of policy recommendations, including: (1) accelerating the digital transformation of government and improving the modernization level of government governance; (2) deepening the integration and development of next-generation information technology in vertical subdivision fields, and enriching application scenarios; (3) promoting the construction of industrial internet and promoting the balanced digital development in various industries; (4) strengthening data governance in digital transformation to ensure efficient and secure use of data.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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