
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


intelligent agricultural machinery; industrial distribution; the Third Generation of Agricultural Machinery Innovation System of China; intelligent agriculture; development suggestion

Document Type



Agricultural mechanization and intelligent agricultural machinery equipment are important basis for improving agricultural production efficiency and rural productivity, and changing the mode of agricultural development. In the past 70 years, China's agricultural machinery industry has made remarkable achievements. It has become the largest agricultural machinery country in the world, though the backwardness before liberation. Nevertheless, there is still a huge technical gap between China and established powers in the field of agricultural machinery. "Big but not strong" has become the main feature at this stage. To realize the breakthrough "from big to strong" in agricultural machinery industry, the fundamental path is to establish an agricultural machinery innovation system suitable for China's agricultural production operation mode. This study takes tractor as a typical representative of agricultural machinery industry, and reviews the development process of agricultural machinery industry system in China. Then we divide the agricultural machinery industry system of new China into different generations according to the technological development and the reform of land system. The aim and content of the new generation (third generation) agricultural machinery innovation system are described emphatically. We also discuss the application of new technology innovation system in the Yellow River Delta, and introduce how to build the application system of the third-generation agricultural machinery. Finally, some suggestions are given for the construction of the independent and controllable third generation agricultural machinery innovation system of China.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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