
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


the Yellow River Delta; high-quality development of agriculture; ecosystem engineering

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The Yellow River Delta is the world's youngest delta and new land, also the youngest ecosystem. Its ecological environment is fragile, and the interaction among the river, the sea, and the land forms a unique geographical environment. The salinization of land and the wide distribution of saline land are two of the main features of the region, and agriculture is one of the leading industries in the region. Agricultural development is related to the efficient use and rational distribution of water resources in this area, related to the protection of the estuary wetland and the ecological environment of the whole region, and related to the efficient development and safety of land resources. It is also about the overall development of land and sea, as well as about the revitalization of the countryside. Therefore, the high quality development of saline agriculture is the important part of sustainable development of the region, while the development of high-quality agriculture in saline land is an important challenge. Based on the major strategic needs of the country, the current situation, and major problems of the development of the Yellow River Delta, this study puts forward a new model of efficient agricultural development in the saline-alkali areas of the Yellow River Delta, as well as some suggestions for the future ecological protection and high-quality development of the region. This study is also of great significance for the efficient development of saline land in China.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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