
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


sandification combating; land consolidation engineering; water resources sustainable utilization; agricultural geographical engineering; modern agriculture; regional sustainable development

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China is among the most affected countries in the world in terms of the extent, intensity, and economic impact of sandification. Sandy land area is crucial for ecological civilization construction and regional poverty alleviation and development. Sandy land controlling and utilization measures and relative water saving technologies were summarized in this study. Previous studies mainly focused on the native sandy land while ignoring the water saving study of new consolidated land in the context of sandy land consolidation engineering. Sandy land consolidation and agricultural development in Yulin area were studied to clarify the improvement of soil water retention and holding capacity based on the field engineering of mixing red clay with sand. Results show that irrigation water of maize, soybean, and potato can be saved by 41.72%—61.49%, 25.57%—34.43% and 63.92%—70.05%, respectively. Coupling and efficient utilization of water and soil resources can be achieved by integrating sandy land consolidation engineering with cropping pattern optimizing and modern irrigation technologies applying in water resource constraint areas. Future research fields are suggested from the perspectives of modern agricultural development, socio-economic development, ecological civilization construction, and suitability evaluation.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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