
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


women's poverty alleviation; rural revitalization; gender bias; digital divide

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Women's poverty alleviation is an indispensable part of poverty alleviation, and it plays a vital role in blocking the intergenerational transmission of poverty, improving women's well-being, and building a harmonious and happy family. 2020 is the key node for poverty alleviation to rejuvenation in poverty-stricken areas across the country. In this context, it is of great significance to in-depth study of women's poverty alleviation in the new era. This article first points out the 4 problems that women face in poverty alleviation: gender bias in the countryside, the digital divide, the absence of non-governmental organizations, and the lack of gender awareness in poverty alleviation practices. Next, it introduces the theoretical foundation, international women's poverty alleviation experience and typical scenarios of Chinese women's poverty alleviation. On the basis of these, four suggestions are put forward: one is to internalize gender equality as a rural social code of conduct; the second is to increase training to eliminate the digital divide; the third is to increase the level of socialization of family labor; the fourth is to build an inclusive, flexible and sustainable mechanism for women's poverty alleviation. We hope this paper could provide a reference for women's poverty alleviation in the future.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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