
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


history of science and technology; development of discipline; seventy years; China

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As an important issue in the patriotic education, the history of science and technology is highly valued by the government of the People's Republic of China. The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) founded the Research Department on the History of Natural Sciences in 1957, which marked the institutionalization of the discipline of history of S & T and the professionalization of the historians of S & T. The scholars initiated the studies on the history of the disciplines and related issues on the basis of the compilation of historical materials. Since 1978, the discipline of history of S & T has been developing fast. The Chinese Society of the History of Science and Technology and the research units in the universities have been established while several academic journals have been launched, which accelerated the academic communication and the internationalization. Meanwhile, the historians of S & T expanded the research fields from traditional China to modern China and from China to the world. In recent years, the discipline of history of S & T in the universities has been evaluated and adjusted, which brings opportunities and challenges as well.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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