
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


science and technology system; evolution; reform; productivity; mechanism; driving force

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The Chinese contemporary science and technology system has gone through four periods, namely, the initial construction of the system, the comprehensive planning, the system reform and the construction of the state's innovation system. While reviewing historical evidence, the study explores the changes of the guiding ideologies, the objectives and the measures of Chinese science and technology system in different periods. The research shows that a major attribute of Chinese science and technology system is that it has always facilitated the integration of science and technology into economy. On the one hand, the system has been centering on the objectives and needs of the country's development; on the other hand, the system has been closely tracing the forefronts and trends of the world scientific and technological development. These two features constitute two major driving forces in the evolution of Chinese science and technology system.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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