
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Sino-US trade friction; intellectual property protection; Made in China 2025

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The latest round of Sino-US trade frictions shows that the technological competition between the two countries in the hightech field has been significantly enhanced. The fundamental purpose of the US launch of this trade war is to suppress "Made in China 2025", curb the development of China's high-tech, and maintain its position as a global technology leader. Only by gradually improving the intellectual property protection system and improving the capacity for independent innovation can China fundamentally resolve intellectual property disputes in trade frictions. In this context, first of all, the paper analyzes the impact of Sino-US trade friction on China's intellectual property protection in the past, and finds that although Sino-US trade friction has caused an impact on Chinese enterprises, it has forced China to enhance the protection of intellectual property rights to a certain extent, promoting enterprise's transformation and upgrading. Secondly, the paper investigates the status quo of intellectual property protection in industrial robots and smart car industry, and finds that the number of patents applied for in China has grown rapidly in the past decade, and the number has been ranked first, but the patents are not strong, mainly concentrated in application technology. The proportion of patents in the core technology field is relatively small. It reflects that the independent innovation capability of Chinese enterprises has rapidly increased, but it is still weak in key technical fields. Based on the research results, this paper proposes the strategic policy of intellectual property protection in China under the background of Sino-US trade friction.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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