
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


the Belt and Road Initiative; global biodiversity; conservation; China; policy; collaboration

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Biodiversity is essential to human well-being, enhancing many of nature's benefits, and playing an important role in the survival and development of the material basis to people. Therefore, sustainability of biodiversity is crucial to human health and life. However, human activities and climate changes are exerting a far-reaching influence on biodiversity, which are even driving the sixth mass extinction in Earth's history. Extraordinary rates of biodiversity loss, coupled with rising human population and consumption rates with the ongoing development of human societies and economies, are threatening the sustainability of Earth's life support systems. While developing the economy, China is making vigorous efforts and implementing effective policies to biodiversity conservation. The determination of government, China's Belt and Road Initiative, positive support for basic research, layout of biodiversity overseas from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, will make a great contribution to global biodiversity.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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