
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Academic Divisions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; academician consultation; Chinese STM journals; research evaluation; academic communication

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Under the support of the advisory project "Thinking and Suggestions on the Dilemma and Development of Chinese STM Journals" of the Academic Divisions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, we took extensive questionnaire survey and deep analysis based on 2734 researchers and journal editors from 34 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, and special administrative regions in China. We believe that the current difficulties and challenges faced by Chinese STM journals are temporary problems occurred during the process of Chinese scientific and technological development, which are not only related to external environmental factors such as research evaluation and international competition of STM journals, but also originated from the insufficiency of reform and innovation of Chinese STM journals themselves. We suggest that Chinese STM journals should define developing direction, improve service efficiency, and integrate into new academic communication.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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