
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


applied science and technology system; independent and open industries; intelligent computer

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Independence and openness are equally important for the development of science and technology industries in an increasingly competitive international environment. Independence serves as our backup force, while openness allows us to participate fully in global division of labor and collaboration and to gain competitive edge. This paper analyzes the fundamental technology innovations in the history of computer industry:the mobile chip ARM and the mobile OS Android, as well as the developing intelligent computer industry, and explores how to build an applied science and technology system with competitive edge under the new international competitive environment. Two conclusions are drawn as follows. First, independence and full sharing of the benefits of international division of labor and cooperation must be based on the fundamental technology innovation starting from the source or backbone. Intelligent computer offers an opportunity for China to establish an independent and open industry. Second, only by changing the evaluative methodology and metric from simply centering on the citation number of papers to emphasizing fundamental technology innovation starting from the source or backbone, changing the top-heavy discipline layout, emphasizing intellectual property rights protection and making full use of international intelligence to carry out division and cooperation, can an applied science and technology system with internationally competitive edge be established.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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赵佳雯.中科院詹剑锋: 智能计算机-中国建立自主可控和开放产业的绝佳机会.[2019-05-19]. https://www.iyiou.com/p/100506.html.
